Dear Parents,
I write to notify you of some staff placements for 2020 at St Saviour’s Primary School. Staffing is always a complex process and has continued to evolve and change over these past few weeks.
We will farewell/thank five staff at our End of Year Mass on Wednesday 27th November.
These include:
- Mrs Elizabeth Poulton (Learning Support Teacher)
- Mrs Jayne Greenhalgh (Japanese Teacher)
- Miss Matilda Hose (School Officer: Student Support)
- Mrs Lesley Jarrett (Year 5 Teacher)
- Mrs Sara McHugh (Year 2 Teacher)
At this point in time, I can announce the classroom teachers for 2020. Classes at St Saviour’s Primary will be taught by the following teaching staff:
Prep A Miss Lucille Adams
Prep H Mrs Katie Horne
Prep T Mrs Bec Thomas
1L Miss Natalie Lancuba
1M Mrs Jennifer Moore
2C Miss Jo Cosgrove
2S Miss Caitlin Seng
2F Mrs Karen Fuller
3H Mrs Melinda Harkins
3L Mrs Maryanne Lee
3P Miss Madelyn Parkes-Moller
4A Mrs Sarah Anderton
4D Miss Margaret Doljanin
4M Mrs Monica Conway
5W Mrs Paula Wagner
5K Miss Lisa Kynoch
5C Mrs Nicole Cooper
6H Mrs Rachel Harlen
6W Mrs Ann-Maree Ward
Principal Ms Madonna Sleba
Assistant Principal Administration Mr Sam Hannant
Assistant Principal Religious Education & Learning Support Teacher Mrs Judy Smith
Learning Support Teacher
Mrs Annette Murdoch
ESL Support Teacher
Mrs Siobhan Grundon (Mon, Tues)
School Counsellor
Mrs Anne Woodcroft-Brown
Teacher Librarian
Mrs Anne Anderson (Tues - Thurs)
Specialist teachers and hours are still to be determined it is hoped that these will be published before the end of year. Specialist classes at SSPS for 2020 include the following:
Drama & Music
Language (Japanese or another)
Health and Physical Education
With every best wish for a gentle last couple of weeks at school.
Kind regards
Madonna Sleba
Dear Parents and Carers,
By the time you are reading this newsletter, there will only be two weeks left of school, which of course means that "end of year" things are being sorted so as to get ready for a smooth start to 2020. One of these things is 2020 Booklists and another is the 2020 Sacramental Program letter and Enrolment Form.
The Booklists have been sent home and the Preps for next year already have theirs too. We wanted to let parents know that the teachers have made a concerted effort to look at costs and reduce these as much as possible. There are almost no textbooks at all and we have streamlined/ made more consistent, the use of online subscriptions (Literacy Planet, English Stars and iMaths) across the school. With these subscriptions teachers have the flexibility to adjust curriculum content to suit the needs/ abilities of students.
Parents of Years 3 (and older), who wish their child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation, please be aware that information regarding this parish/ family based program was sent home last week. For your child to continue their faith journey they need to be baptised and a copy of the Baptism Certificate sent in with the completed Enrolment Form. If you have any questions regarding this, do not hesitate to contact me via the school office. The program gets underway early in Term One next year, and requires an adult to participate with their child in weekly sessions (45mins) either Thursdays (3:30-4:15pm) OR Sundays (10:15 -11am). There is flexibility to move between Thursdays and Sundays as the sessions are repeated.
END of YEAR DISCO and fundraising for the Drought Appeal.
Our Year 6s have been very busy getting organised for Thursday night's Disco. All funds raised will be used to assist drough affected communities, particularly those south of Toowoomba, towards the border. Photos and further information will be communicated next week.
End of Year Mass: Our final whole school Mass for 2019 will be held next Wednesday, in the Cathedral Centre (Bingo Hall), commencing at 9am.
This Mass will be quite a celebration as we not only give thanks for the the past year but we will be:
- Presenting all current Year 5 students with their 2020 Leader Badge and announcing the elected positions (Captains/ Vice- captains, House Captains & Councillors)and presenting those badges as well
Saying farewell to staff who are leaving ( see Madonna's comments earlier), plus those students who are leaving us as well, though the Year 6s get a special Graduation Ceremony on the last day of school.
Last Monday, at 11am (on the 11th day of the 11th month), Prep to Year 6 students and staff stopped for one minutes reflection before they went off to play.
In the afternoon, 5JL led us in a lovely, thoughtful and prayerful Remembrance Day Assembly. A sincere thank you to teachers, Mrs Lesley Jarret and Mr Brendan Luck for their time and efforts to get the students so well prepared. It was memorable and moving for all of us there. Lest we forget!
On 24th December, there will be the traditional Christmas Eve Children's Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral. Interested singers from Year 2 upwards are very welcome to attend and form a small choir. There will be one practice on Wednesday 4th December at 7.45am (the usual time for choir). On Christmas Eve, choir members meet Miss Cosgrove at the keyboard at 5.15pm as we sing Christmas Carols before the Vigil Mass.
Both Year 5 classes have continued with their regular visits to SALEM Aged Care with both students and residents gaining much joy from the interactions.
Today the Year 4s joined with the parishioners at the annual Anointing Mass, held in the Cathedral Centre. The school has been helping to lead the singing at this end of year mass for many years and again, the benefits are felt by the students and staff as much as the elderly and infirm who attend the Mass and Christmas lunch. Students presented the "oldies" with a handmade card of blessing. Thanks to the Year 4 teachers for coordinating this service activity. And thanks to Fr Michael for organising the iceblock treats for the students!
The rest of the school will be undertaking service activities in the final weeks of school and we will share those with you in the coming weeks.
Enjoy the rest of your week,
YEAR 4s at the Parish ANOINTING MASS
How to encourage reading over the summer holidays....
With the holidays coming up, it is a great opportunity for children to spend some time reading. This is also very important for their learning moving forward. Below are some examples of how you can do this. If you find any of this interesting and would like more information, you can click on the link as well. Enjoy!!
1. Go to the library and borrow some books
2. Pick out a good chapter book and read it with your child.
3. Celebrate the completion of a book.
4. Write a letter to your child and drop it in the mail.
5. Start a diary.
6. Schedule a daily reading time.
7. Subscribe to a magazine.
8. Encourage book clubbing.
9. Encourage your child to read and use 'to do' books.
10. Family reading time.
2020 Sport Dates
9-12 Year Old Swimming Carnival - Tuesday 4 February: 9am-12pm @ Glennie Aquatic Centre
Prep - 2 Swimming Carnival - to be confirmed and date TBA
P-6 Swimming Lessons - 16-20 March at Glennie Aquatic Centre
P-6 Cross Country - Thursday 2 April: 9am onwards on Primary School Oval
9-12 year olds 200m&800m Athletics 1/2 day at O'Quinn St Oval - 18 June: 9am -12pm
Prep - 6 Whole School Athletics Carnival - 19 June: All Day
Friday Night Basketball
The Friday Night Basketball competition will conclude this Friday Night. Congratulations to all students who have participated, represented the school and improved over the last seven weeks. Thanks again to Mrs Conway and Mr Luck who have taken the time to train the students on Friday morning and then attend the games on Friday nights.
Draw for Week 7:
4.15pm Girls 3V3 V Fairholme @ Glennie Court 1
4.15pm Boys 3V3 V Grammar Junior @ Glennie Court 2
5.00pm Boys Senior B V Kingsthorpe @ Glennie Court 2
It has been bought to our attention that Parents are parking on Perth Street, in the No Standing angle parks near the Prep driveway entrance. Not only is this illegal, but it is highly dangerous. By parking in these parks, you are also making it difficult for residents who are live nearby who are having difficulty reversing out of their driveways to get to work and school at peark time. Please, do NOT park in these parks. Take an extra few minutes and drive around to a safe drop off for your children and yourself. Police have been contacted and they will be monitoring our school quite closely over the upcoming weeks. We have only 3 weeks left of term, we can't stress the importance of maintaining safety in and around our school as we draw the school year to a close.
Direct Debit forms for 2020 MUST be returned for processing by FRIDAY 29TH NOVEMBER.
The Uniform Shop will be open the following times:
The Uniform Shop has now moved and will be permanently located behind the male toilets, in the bottom room of the College. This room is located across from the small carparks located at the back of the Mercy Centre. Signage will be up soon.
Please note the following times for this week and the remaining weeks of this term and January 2020.
This week: The Uniform Shop will be closed this week.
Next week: Open: Friday 29th December 2.30pm - 4.00pm.
Monday 2nd December 2.30pm - 4.00pm
Tuesday 3rd December 8.00am - 9.30am
Wednesday 4th December (Transition Day) 8.00am - 11.30am
Thursday 5th December 8.00am - 9.30am
Friday 6th December (Last day of school) CLOSED
NEW YEAR 2020:
Monday 13th January 1.00pm - 6.00pm
Monday 20th January - Friday 24th January 1.00pm - 6.00pm
Thursday January 23 (Book drop off) 8.00am - 10.00am
Tuesday 28th January (First day of school) 8.00am - 9.30am and 2.30pm - 5.00pm
Wednesday 29th January 8.00am - 10.30am
Please contact Dan Eagleson directly during business hours to arrange any other times. 0481 318 398.
The final day of Term 4 is Friday 6th January. This day is also the Year 6 Graduation which will be held in the Mercy Centre. Children will be dismissed after the Year 6 Graduation at approximatley 10.30am. Parents wanting to access care after 10.30am will need to contact Hall-Thorpe Sports to arrange a booking.
The Year 6 Graduation ceremony is being held on Friday 6th December in The Mercy Centre. We look forward to sharing in this special occasion with our Year 6 2019 Leaders and their families. Year 5 families have been asked to provide a plate to share for morning tea, after the graduation.
2020 Booklists have been distributed to classes. Please keep an eye out for these in your child's school bag.
Thank you to the P&F, in particular Cathy and John Condon who organised the Pizza Treat Day today for our children. This was the last Pizza Treat Day this year.
Well done to our winners; Sophia Bumatay (main prize winner),
These students completed 5 reading challenges in 5 weeks to mark off a row on their Bingo sheet, great effort everyone.
Parents, please check with your students that they have returned all their library loans by the end of this week. The cost of unreturned items from Term 4 will be forwarded to the office for inclusion in Term 1 2020 fees. An invoice will be sent for immediate payment if students aren't returning in 2020 or items are overdue from Term 3 2019.
Students with all their Term 4 loans returned are invited to borrow up to 7 books, one for each week of the Summer holidays, during lunch-time next Tuesday (Perp - Year 2) and Wednesday (Year 3 - 5). They may also choose to take home a copy of the State Library's Summer Challenge and an origami Santa book mark. These loans are to be returned in the first week of the new school year.
Thank you for your generous and very Christmasy donations. They will bring joy to someone in our local community this Christmas. Our items will be delivered in Week 9 so there is still time for you to donate.