Week 5, Term 1 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Thought for the week...
You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Simple Abundance
Our school has a strong learning culture in place. Teachers expertly plan, teach and assess in accordance with the Australian Curriculum. Each class contributes to the school targets, I am proud to say that in 2019 90% of students reached the reading goals set for the year. One way to assess how we are making a difference for each student is to check for deep use of assessment “for” and “as” learning by asking five critical questions:
What are you learning?
- How are you doing?
- How do you know?
- How can you improve?
- Where do you go for help? (Lyn Sharratt Learning Walks and Talks Training Materials, 2008-2015)
The Power of Five Questions is in answer to the question “How Do You Know All Students’ are learning?” As the Principal of SSPS this process of asking students the five questions gives me feedback on how explicit the instruction is and improvement is progressing. As a staff we use this feedback to become a large and focused part of every Professional Learning session, which is critical for all teachers and leaders to craft collaboratively. Regular Learning Walks and Talks to ask learners the five questions is essential. Similarly, ensuring that teachers have the time to reflect on the firm foundation necessary for all students’ mastery of reading, writing, oral language, and problem-solving skills to answer the five questions provides the springboard needed to incorporate the 21st-century learning skills into the curriculum content.
The Leadership Team have committed to visiting classes and spending time with the children asking these 5 critical questions throughout the school week.
Here is a snapshot of some learning conversations:
Grace (Year 6): I am learning about Area in Maths. I am doing a maths investigation to design a Safari Park, calculating how many square metres we are using and justifying our reasons for the size.
I think I am going fairly well, I just have to do a few more calculations and justifications.
It’s starting to come together well and I am close to using the 50 000 square metres. Mrs Ward has given me feedback along the way to help me stay focused on the task. I ask others for help to get feedback as well.
Arwyn (Year 6): I am learning how to use area, scale, algorithms and mental strategies in the form of a maths investigation.
I am doing fairly well. It is hard using the scale but I can get help from the ‘BUMP it UP' Maths Wall. I can compare my work to the different grading levels to try and improve and get to the next level.
Maya (Year 5): I am learning about the beliefs of the communities and features of a community that shows us how to care for each other. I think I am going well. I know this because my learning intention is to research the different features/symbols needed to make a caring community. I have used a Venn diagram to help make a comparison between two schools’ vision and mission statements. I get feedback from my teacher about how I am going with my presentation.
Emma (Year 5): I am learning about factors, multiples and rounding. The factors and multiples I am working hard to understand. I know I need to learn my number facts so that I can work these problems out. I think I can improve by learning my tables, asking questions to help me go the extra mile. I keep having a go so that I can get better at what I need to do.
Eve (Year 4): I am learning how to divide and multiply numbers by 100s, 1000s and 10s. I can use a slider to help how to work these out. I understand how to do these because Mrs McHugh can see these on her screen and she gives feedback to my answers. I can ask an elbow buddy for help and then I can ask my teacher.
James (Year 5): I am learning how to multiply three digit numbers by one digit and four digit numbers by one digit. I am doing pretty well. The teacher checks my work and asks how I am going or if I am having trouble I can ask my teacher how I can improve.
Elijah (Year 4): I am learning about place value. I think I am going pretty well with this because Mrs Conway checks in with me and I am get it all right! I can use the place value chart to help if I get stuck.
Lacey: I am learning how to use comprehension strategies to help me to understand what I am reading. I am going well at this as I am getting most of the questions right so far. I can get better at this by finding the answer right there in the text.
The ability of a student to self- assess is the ultimate goal in teaching. When students can answer questions confidently and accurately about their learning, then we know that self-assessment has taken place. Teachers help this process by being explicit about their learning expectations and making the success criteria for a task visible and transparent. It is important to be clear about what and why we are learning.
An example of this to help you understand...Let’s say, for example, students are learning how to express their viewpoint or persuade others in an oral presentation.
The learning intention might be:
We are learning about how to deliver a successful oral presentation.
An example of the success criteria:
In order to be successful, I need to:
Consider the audience
- Look interested
- Make it interesting by using pictures or diagrams
- Keep it short
Easy to follow
- Identify the topic straight away
- Be mindful of pace of speech
- Use specific examples to get the point across
- Use small cards for notes
- Have a conclusion
Speech and manner
- Look up at the audience
- Speak clearly and so they can hear you
- No fidgeting
- Stand straight
By making this clear to children, they know exactly what they need to do in order to be successful. They are also more likely to be able to self-assess and answer the learning questions (what are you learning, how are you going (and how do you know), and what do you need to do next in order to improve?
Keep supporting your children by asking them these good quality learning questions. We aim for all children to be effective learners at St Saviour’s Primary School.
Last Monday night, the annual general meeting for St Saviour’s Primary School Parents and Friends Association was held.
All positions of the Executive were declared vacant and the following parents were successfully nominated and endorsed:
President: Mrs Danielle Hart
Vice-President: Mr Terry Sanders
Treasurer: Mrs Christine Scott
Secretary: Mrs Renae Campbell
Diocesan P & F Representative: Mr Brendan Zimmerlee
Congratulations to these new members.
I take this opportunity to extend a huge thanks to the outgoing 2019 executive:
Mr Adam Prust, Mr Michael Darvall, Mr Stephen McDonald.
These giving parents have made significant contributions throughout the 2019 year to help support the families, staff and children of St Saviour’s Primary School.
This tireless, hardworking group gave of their own time to ensure that families and children were engaged in activities to help strengthen the community of St Saviour’s Primary School.
On behalf of the staff and students they provided the following activities and raised monies to support our great school:
Pizza treat days each term were a highlight and well enjoyed by the children with a profit of $1952.36
The Colour Run held in Term 1 was once again well received by staff and students raising a profit of $5367.00
The Trivia Night was enjoyed by all in attendance and a fun way to relax on a Saturday night. Raising added bonus funds of $680.00
The Mango Drive was another fundraiser totalling $864.50.
Dance Fever was the highlight of the year and thanks to the P & F for helping cover some of the funds for this event. The students were able to show off their dancing and performing talents.
The SSPS P &F of 2019 should be very proud of their achievements and what they provided for the students and staff.
I look forward to working in partnership with the executive in 2020 and to continue to engage parents in their children’s education.
Warm regards
Madonna Sleba
Dear Parents and Carers,
" Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." Saint Teresa of Calcutta
At the Launch of Project Compassion at Mass last Sunday, Catherine McLeer, our Diocesan CARITAS Director concluded her reflection with these words of St Teresa. As we commence our Lenten journey, these words help us to focus on the theme of 2020 Project Compassion, "Go further together".
At school, all students have been introduced/ reminded of the work of CARITAS, which works around the world with local partners to offer hope to people most vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice. Students have heard the story of Shirley from the Philippines.....
** Around 2.8 million children in the Philippines do not go to school.*
Shirley was struggling to support her family and keep her children in school. She faced regular discrimination and disadvantage, limiting her family’s access to food, education, employment and healthcare.
With Caritas Australia’s support, Shirley trained to become an indigenous health worker. She has learnt to supplement her income and is able to feed her family. The program has also empowered Shirley to send her children to school.
Let’s Go Further, Together! Please support the Project Compassion: lent.caritas.org.au
Over the next few weeks we, as a school will be doing some "awareness" activities and also some fundraising. We thank you in anticipation of your support.
ASH WEDNESDAY, combined liturgy with the College: Yesterday, we were delighted to host the College community who joined with our Yrs 2-6 students for a simple Ash Wednesday liturgy. Fr Hal and Fr Michael reminded us of the significance of Lent as a time to prepare well for Easter...a time to become a little more like Jesus. How can we do this? Of course there are many ways, but technically it is said that Lent is a time for praying, fasting and almsgiving. The one that is hardest, seems to be fasting as we are supposed to do without something, but that "something" can be lots of things. For the students, it might be that instead of an iceblock/ slushie etc that money is donated to project compassion. It could be that they "give up" lollies/ chocolate/ icecream OR as Pope Francis has said...
- Fast from hurting words and say kind things
- Fast from anger and be filled with patience
- Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
- Fast from words and be silent so you can listen
Pope Francis is a very wise man. I hope his words might help you to discuss what your children are doing as part of their preparation for Easter.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM: Cluster groups are well underway, taking place on Sunday mornings (10:15am) and Thursdays (3:30pm). Over the next few weeks we will be organising photos of the children that will be displayed in the cathedral. A reminder that the sacrament of Reconciliation takes place on Friday March 20 at 6pm OR Saturday March 21 at 10:30am.
St Savoiur's Primary Choir singing at Mass last Sunday.
Some Key Dates (Religious Life of the School):
March 10- Year 3 Prayer Gathering
March 15- Term 1 School/ Parish Mass at 9am
March 16- St Patrick's Day Assembly, (Yr 3 leading)
March 23- Harmony Day Assembly, (Yr 2 leading) + Cultural Dress/ Free Dress
Enjoy the rest of your week,
Parent Teacher Interviews, for all except for 3H, will take place in Week 9 of this term (beginning 23rd March). 3H will be during Week 7 as Mrs Harkins is on long service leave for the last three weeks of this term.
This term, interviews will take place before and after school with the exact days to be confirmed in the very near future. Bookings will be online via schoolzine.
Please remember that these interviews are an important feedback opportunity for parents on their child's learning and you are encouraged to make a time to attend when they are released.
Swimming lessons for 2020 will take place for the whole of Week 8 this term (beginning 16 March). Every student will have the opportunity to participate from Monday to Friday during this week.
The exact timetable is being finalised now and will be sent home, with a permission slip via Caremonkey.
Students will need swimming togs, towel, thongs or similar to wear to and from the pool, goggles and a swimming bag for this week. Glennie provide every student with a swimming cap.
All students are able to wear their sport uniform for the whole week in week 8 for ease of changing.
As the posters around the school say, 'everyone has the right to feel safe'. Whilst students can always talk to their parents, family, teachers and other trusted adults, we do have four designated student protection contacts that students can also talk to and they are:
Madonna Sleba (Principal)
Sam Hannant
Rachel Harlen
Anne Woodcroft-Brown
This information is also helpful when completing your volunteer form for the school.
UPCOMING 2020 Sport Dates
Prep - 8 year old Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 25 March: 1pm-2.30pm @ Glennie
P-6 Swimming Lessons - 16-20 March at Glennie Aquatic Centre
P-6 Cross Country - Thursday 2 April: 9am onwards on Primary School Oval
9-12 year olds 200m&800m Athletics 1/2 day at O'Quinn St Oval - 18 June: 9am -12pm
Prep - 6 Whole School Athletics Carnival - 19 June: All Day
Our Summer Reading Party!
While we only had 5 dedicated readers complete their log to gain entry to our celebration, the party swung into action with novelty races, a bowling game, dance music and treats to eat. Thanks go to our Library Councillors who helped run the party and to our rostered helpers who assisted with the set-up.
Some readers just can't resist when there is a book around!
Parents, thank you for all you do to encourage your children to read for pleasure.
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Central Zone Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday the 19th of February, twenty students from St Saviour’s competed in the Central Zone Swimming Carnival at Glennie Aquatic Centre. These students are to be commended for the way they represented their school in swimming and behaviour on the day. They competed against other schools to try and qualify for the Darling Downs carnival which will be held in Gatton on the 4th of March. Ten out of the twenty students made it through to the next level and will be competing to represent the Central Zone team in Gatton. These students are listed below. Emma Barram and Jasper Eagleson set new swimming records on the day for their age groups. Emma set a new record for 10 year old girls 100m butterfly and 100m backstroke and Jasper set a new record for 9 year old boys 50m freestyle.
Students competing at the Darling Downs Trials:
- Mia Casagrande
- Jasper Eagleson
- Taylor Wann
- Emma Barram
- Harper Eagleson
- Lillian Cook
- Dominic Seaby
- James Currie
- Hannah Marsh
- Dominic Marsh
Orienteering started on Tuesday the 18th of February with Dominic from Orienteering Queensland. Twenty-nine students attended and had a fantastic time. The students learnt how to read a map using a key and reference points and how to find station points and mark these stations off. In the upcoming weeks students will learn how to navigate around the school using compass points while competing against other teams.
Fitness Club started up on the 18th of February with around 50 students attending. Students have been increasing their aerobic fitness through different running activities and exercises such as sit ups, push ups, squats and lunges. Thanks to Mrs Wagner and Mrs McHugh for your assistance with helping run the classes. Don’t forget, Fitness Club runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:15am to 8am until Thursday 26th March 2020. Fitness Club is for students in Years 3-6.
Please make sure your child is on time if they wish to attend, as the sessions start with stretching and a warmup which need to be completed before participating. If your child would like to attend, please log onto Care Monkey and sign the permission form. If you have any questions, please email Mr Luck via
Peak2Park is on this Sunday the 1st of March. The annual Peak2Park fun run/walk is organised by HALT (Healthy Active Lifestyles Toowoomba Incorporated), who are an independent not-for-profit registered committee of local people looking to encourage residents of Toowoomba and district to participate in exercise and to raise funds for local charities. The walk/run will begin at beautiful Picnic Point on the scenic rim of the Great Dividing Range and finishing at lovely Lake Annand. St Saviour’s Primary are entering in the 4km event which will start at 7.45am at the beginning of Heller Street, immediately south of Tobruk Drive. Please meet near the giant Australian Flag at Picnic Point any time after 6:45am. Look out for St Saviour’s staff standing next to the St Saviour’s banner. Can your child/ren please wear their St Saviour’s sports uniform on the day to represent the school. Marshalling will commence at 7:00am. Students are required to be supervised by a parent or guardian at the event. If you have any questions please email myself via brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
BIBS will be sent home tomorrow to those families who indicated they wanted the school to collect on their behalf. Please keep an eye out for them in your child's bag.
Zone and Darling Downs Trials
All Zone and Darling Downs trials will be placed on SchoolZine. Please check SchoolZine regularly or set up notifications on your phone if you wish for your child to be eligible to trial for Zone and Darling Downs sporting teams as you will be required to obtain paperwork from myself. Any questions, please contact me at brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Prep – 8-year-old Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday the 25th of March the Prep to 8-year-old Swimming Carnival will be held at Glennie Aquatics Centre. This carnival is designed so the younger students at St Saviour’s can have some fun in the pool at a less competitive level. Whilst there will be some swimming events for those students who can swim, there will be kickboard and noodle races for all age groups. This carnival will follow on from your child’s swimming lessons in Week 8. Any questions please email me at brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Soccer Star
Emilia Reuter in Year five has been accepted into the Barca Soccer Academy. Emi will play in the Under 10 soccer team in Brisbane, competing against other academy teams. Emi has played soccer for 4 years with West Wanderers and is super excited to represent in soccer at a higher level. St Saviour’s staff and students are very excited to hear about Emi’s season with the academy.
Athletics Champ
Leon Smith did exceptionally well at the Regional Athletics championships at O’Quinn Oval at the weekend with 2 Golds for triple jump and 100m sprint, 2 Silvers for 80m hurdles and long jump & 1 Bronze medal for 200m sprint. He also received the Avery Award for the most points in his age group. Fantastic effort Leon.
- Fitness Club – 7:15am – 8:00am on Tuesday and Thursday till 26th March 2020.
- Orienteering (Afternoon Sport) – 3:15pm-4:15pm on Tuesday till 17th March 2020.
- Peak2Park – 1st March 2020
- Darling Downs Swimming Carnival – 4th March 2020
- P - 6 Swimming Lessons – 16th – 20th March 2020 at Glennie Aquatic Centre
- Prep - 8 year old Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 25th March 2020 (1pm-2.30pm at Glennie Aquatics Centre)
- P - 6 Cross Country - Thursday 2nd April 2020 (9am onwards on Primary School Oval)
- 9 - 12 year olds 200m and 800m Athletics (1/2 day at O'Quinn St Oval) – 18th June 2020 (9am -12pm)
- Prep - 6 Whole School Athletics Carnival All Day) – 19th June 2020
Kind Regards
Brendan Luck
PE Teacher
Term 1 school fees are due Friday 6th March.
School photo day was a huge success. Thank you to all our families who completed their orders both on line and in cash. We hope to have the school photos back to us before the holidays.
Please find attached information about The Music Bus in today's Newsletter. The Music Bus visits our school each Thursday. The Music Bus specialises in Primary school music education and delivers a diverse music program. Children can learn guitar, keyboard, drums, ukulele, singing and be part of the St Saviour's Primary Rock Band.
Year 5 - Leaders in The Making
It has been a busy but productive start to our year. In Year 5, we have been learning, laughing and striving for goodness.
In Mathematics we have been mastering multiples and factors, followed by estimation strategies and multiplication of 3- and 4-digit numbers. In Literacy, we’ve enjoyed writing character and setting descriptions and revised narrative structure in English. We can’t wait to write our own imaginative narratives in the coming weeks. We’ve read all about animal adaptations and extreme environments in Science and researched amazing facts about polar bears. This week we will begin making trading cards in Religion to show the important work of notable early Australians. Some will feature colonialists like Mary Mackillop and Caroline Chisolm. We hope to understand their important work and how their achievements have been able to lay the foundations of our community today.
As our service activity for 2020, the Year 5 cohort decided to regularly visit Salem Nursing Home. Each class will visit the Nursing Home once a term with Year 5C being the first class to visit on Friday 21st February. Students thoroughly enjoyed talking with and interviewing the residents. Many of the residents were happy to laugh and share their memories and the children gained great insight into what school was like before the use of the iPhone, computer and YouTube. The residents were also keen to share other humorous stories and histories, with some of them having enjoyed their childhoods in countries other than Australia. It gave our Year 5 students insight into the many similarities and differences of what life was once like. Year 5K and 5W look forward to their visits in the coming weeks and will no doubt enjoy all the visits have to offer. More details to come on these visits in our weekly Communication Notes.
This year, Year 5 have talked about setting ourselves a goal to become “Leaders in the Making” in 2020. We hope that by focusing on being good learners, role models and members of both St Saviour’s Primary and the wider community, we will be ready for our role of school leaders next year. We look forward to many more activities and challenges this year, that will encourage us to be our best, while we continue to strive for goodness.
A huge thank you for your support of Book Club this term. Your purchases benefit your children but they also support our school library by providing bonus points to the value of $260.00. Items are selected with this money for the general library collection. Special thanks to Leisa Giles for her support during the sorting and distribution of the orders.
We look forward to the Term 2 catalogue!