Week 10, Term 1, 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
St Saviour’s Primary School is scheduled for a Toowoomba Catholic Schools (TCS) quadrennial school review from Tuesday May 9 until Thursday May 11 (Week 4, Term 2).
TCS has a School Renewal and Improvement Framework which has, as a key element, a quadrennial school review. In this review, a review team consisting of senior staff from TCS’s Education Services and a peer principal from another school in the Diocese, visit the school for three days.
The aim is to assist schools to strategically plan to improve teaching and learning. These reviews occur in all TCS schools.
Through a process of appreciative inquiry, review team members interview staff, parents/carers, students and community members. The questions asked are, ‘In your opinion, what is going well at the school?’ and ‘What could be done better?’.
As a result of the interviews and analysis of data, a report is provided to the school community and the review team share in this report their findings and suggested improvement strategies. These findings and strategies inform the development of the school’s strategic and annual action plans.
The review team would like to hear from representatives of our school community and I encourage anyone who is interested to have their say. Your feedback is important.
Feedback can be provided to the review team in person or by telephone. All feedback remains confidential.
Please contact the school office if you are interested in speaking to a member of the review team. You may also register your interest by emailing ssps@twb.catholic.edu.au
May you all have a happy and Holy Easter break.
Sam Hannant
Acting Principal
Our final newsletter for the term means reflecting on where we've been and how far we've come in just 10 weeks. So many events and opportunitites to come together to share our faith journey and make special memories together. Below are just a few things we've been up to.....
St Patrick’s Day 17th March – A beautiful class Liturgy was held by Yr 6O and Prep T to celebrate St Patrick's Day and the commitment he showed to share his faith with others. Fr Michael came to join and it was a lovely gathering of older students with some of their Prep buddies.
Thank you to those who came and participated in our first Family or School/Parish Mass on Sunday 19th March. A huge thank you to those who came and took part in the Mass including the staff, students, choir members, readers, offertory. It was a lovely celebration and coming together of our two valued communities.
We acknowledged Harmony Day on Tuesday 21st March where the theme of "Everyone belongs" was celebrated. Thank you to Miss Kynoch and a number of students from across the school who took part. Everyone in our school community is welcomed, valued and celebrated.
Wellbeing Week – Wednesday 22nd Thank you for wearing house colours and your continued support of Project Compassion with your gold coin donations! Due to the poor weather we didn't get to hold a shared morning tea, however we did enjoy a friendly game of handball with the students and finished the lunch break with an iceblock kindly donated by PEN. Thank you!
Your support of Project Compassion has been overwhelming & very much appreciated! The money in the boxes in the classrooms has been collected and the total amount raised from our school community is $1035. The class with the winning total was Year 3S with a total of $125. A huge effort from our students and school community. Thank you! Thank you! for your support and kind monetary donations. Caritas Australia will be forever grateful.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation was celebrated last Friday 24th and Saturday 25th March. Congratulations to Morgan, Darcy, William, Kaleb, Matilda, Charlotte, Oliver & Amany who took part in this first step of their Sacramental journey. Preparation for Confirmation and First Eucharist will begin after the holidays.
In our classrooms, during Week 10, students learnt and discussed child protective behaviours as we lead into the holidays. Some resources available include the Daniel Morcombe program and the Real Talk program provided by TCSO. Teachers reminded students as to who our Student Protection Officers are here at St Saviour’s and highlighting the importance of safe behaviours, particularly online.
There are a number of parent resources which you can access at home to help support you with these discussions.
A very user friendly resource is the eSafety Guide – Want to know more about the latest apps, games and social media that your child is using? The eSafety Guide includes important advice about their safety features, including how to use the settings to report online abuse and protect personal information.
If your child feels as though they're witness to or part of inappropriate and ongoing bullying behaviours here at school, please encourage them to report it via the student intranet. The link is as follows https://twbcso.sharepoint.com/sites/ssp/students/SitePages/student_home.aspx
Students also have access to the eSafety website for many relevant and engaging resources https://www.esafety.gov.au/
Holy Week Liturgy was held this week with a focus on the events leading to Jesus' death. Next week is Holy Week and after the holidays. we'll hold our whole school Mass (Wednesday 19th April 9am) to celebrate Jesus' resurrection
Congratulations to the Cornerstone Value Award recipients and those who received Encouragement Awards at yesterday's final assembly.
I wish you a safe and blessed Easter holiday. We look forward to another busy term beginning Monday 17th April (Student free day) for our staff and the students on Tuesday 18th April.
Thanks for reading,
Dear Parents & Carers,
Since our last newsletter we have sent out surveys to our parent community, our older students (Years 4-6) and all our staff regarding the trial we have had this term, whereby we have swapped the eating and playing times at both morning tea and lunch.
As you can imagine, there was quite a variety of responses/ comments which the Leadership Team has read and discussed. Based on this feedback, particularly considering the overwhelming positives from the teachers (see below), we have made the decision to continue with the trial into next term.
- The students seem to have 'got over' their playground squabbles before they come inside.
- My students have liked the changes with the play and eating. The students come in with a full stomach and I have seen greater focus having it this way.
- Most playground issues are being dealt with during eating time (or are forgotten about by the time they get to class)
- Being with the Yr1s & Yr4s for eating, I’m seeing a lot more eating being done as there isn’t a rush to finish eating and get a piece of equipment.
- More focused when eating just before returning to class.
- Significant decrease in situations requiring emotional support after break times.
Obviously there were some not so positive responses with a number osf students having issues with the heat....One consideration we had with continuing with the trial was that next term we will have significantly cooler weather, so students will not be getting so hot during play and then finding it hard to settle to eat.
Another issue of course was that some students are hungry by morning tea time and would prefer to eat first. To address this, we are communicating with parents, teachers and students about 1) the importance of eating a decent breakfast and 2) broadening the mid morning break definition from "Fruit Break" to "Brain Break" so that students are not limited to just a piece of fruit at this time. I have included here a message that was shared in Year 6, which has now been shared with all classes.
Importance of Brain Break
As the morning session and playtime spans across 2.5hrs it is important that every child brings a fruit/brain break every day to have in class. This is not only to maximise learning but also sustain students hunger until 11am when they eat morning tea.
Students also need to ensure they bring a full water bottle daily to stay hydrated.
Suggested appropriate foods that can be consumed during our brain break time (5-7 mins) are:
- Fruit
- Vegetable sticks/dip
- Yoghurt
- Sandwich
- Crackers & cheese
So we will continue with the same routine as this term and again seek feedback to determine our way forward for Semester Two. Thank you to those who did complete the survey, your input is valued and has been taken "on board".
Thank you for reading my news/ messages that I have shared over the years as an Assistant Principal and just generally sharing my Assistant Principal journey with me here at SSPS. I am heading OS on four weeks long service leave and then will be returning to SSPS as the fulltime 3S class teacher. I thank Melinda Harkins for her invaluable support as we shared this role during Term One. I sign off with a reflection...
Holy Week is named “Holy” because it is an intense week of re-focussing
on the most sacred story of our Christian belief.
It is a time of invitation to open a space into the heart and soul
of our deepest search for meaning.
Who is this Jesus that has changed the world?
What does that mean to me?
Can I respond to the invitation to deepen my Christian call to also make a difference
Wishing you and your family all the joys and blessings of the Easter season,
Judy Smith
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Ignite Learning
Part of our Ignite project is to consistently have a language and a culture of learning. At the heart of the Ignite project is establishing our ‘Why?’ What kind of culture of learning to we want at SSPS? In 2021, we created our ‘Why?’ at the start of our project, based on what we knew then. Like everything, we grew and deepened our knowledge and gained clarity over time about who we are and who we truly want to be as a school. After careful consideration and consultation with members of the school community, here is our revised why for our Ignite project:
We would love your input too – please email me at Nicarla.prentice@twb.catholic.edu.au with any feedback.
I’d also like to welcome Bec Thomas to the Middle Leader role for Term 2! I look forward to working with Bec Monday – Wednesday and I’m confident she will make many valuable contributions to the teaching and learning aspect of our school! I wish all of our students and staff a joyful rest, see you in Term 2!
Warm Regards
Nicki Prentice
St Saviour’s Primary Cross Country 2023
On the 30th of March 2023, St Saviour’s Primary Cross Country was held. It was a fantastic day with many students competing, earning points for their house. Goretti were the overall winner on the day taking out the shield winning by only ten points. Listed below are the top three places in each age group (photos attached).
12-Year-Old Boys – Kobie Matthews, Cooper Hoole, Isaac Ragh
12-Year-Old Girls – Lucy Hardy, Angelina Ones, Ayen Gakeer
11-Year-Old Boys – Joseph Black, Finn Hannam, Grayson Nissen
11-Year-Old Girls – Rose Stead, Aya Doherty, Akeer Adol
10-Year-Old Boys – Samuel Abot, Lachlan Giuffrida, Liam McHugh
10-Year-Old Girls – Mia Alyward, Deborah Thomas, Nyigok Gakeer
9-Year-Old Boys – Ronan Willis, Harry Black, Raphy Duce
9-Year-Old Girls – Myley Bengston, Letti Stephenson, Emily Callaghan
8-Year-Old Boys – Jagger Witt, Kenn Corpuz, Albie Zenke
8-Year-Old Girls – Jemma McHugh, Orla McDonald, Milli Timmins
7-Year-Old Boys – Thomas Carey, Ewan Phillips, Mach Adol
7-Year-Old Girls – Kaiya Jeffrey, Alice Prust, Annabelle Johnston
6-Year-Old Boys – Knox Witt, Wyatt Goodsell, Sam Scott
6-Year-Old Girls – Nirah Stone, Victoria McLeod, Mila Welsh
5-Year-Old Boys – Kuch Adol, Cash Hubbard, Jaxon Brigg
5-Year-Old Girls – Lucia Fraser, Amani Weier, Ivy Ferguson
St Saviour's Primary Junior Swimming Carnival 2023
St Saviour’s Primary Junior Swimming Carnival was held on the 27th of March at Glennie Aquatic Centre. Students from Prep to Year Two participated in this carnival. It was a fantastic carnival with students gaining water confidence but most importantly having lots of fun (photos attached).
Catholic Schools T-Ball Gala Day
Year Four students competed against other Catholic schools in modified games of T-Ball. All students are to be commended on their sportsmanship and the way they represented St Saviour’s Primary on the day. Everyone played with heart and determination with lots of fun had by all teams (photos attached).
Health and Physical Education (Term One)
It has been a busy and exciting first term for Health and Physical Education. Below is an overview of what students in different age groups have been doing. Year Three to Year Six participate in health in Semester One and Prep to Year Two participate in health in Semester Two.
Physical Education (Prep)
Students have been participating in modified games working individually, in pairs and groups teaching them to cooperate with their peers, participate in games with and without equipment and identify and describe how their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people. Students have also been engaging in locomotive and gross motor circuits. These circuits focus on increasing their ability in throwing, catching, passing, bouncing, dribbling, kicking as well as locomotive skills.
Physical Education (Year One and Year Two)
Year One and Two students have been engaged in modified games working individually, in pairs and groups teaching them to cooperate with their peers and perform fundamental movement skills in a variety of movement sequences and situations. Students also participated in locomotive and gross motor circuits. These circuits focus on increasing their ability in throwing, catching, passing, bouncing, dribbling, kicking as well as locomotive skills.
Physical Education (Year Three and Year Four)
Students in Year Three and Four completed a T-Ball unit working individually, in pairs and groups teaching the students to cooperate with their peers, practise and refine fundamental movement skills in a variety of movement sequences and situations and apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating in physical activities. This unit focused on increasing the student’s knowledge of T-Ball through various games and activities in preparation for their T-Ball Gala Day next week. Students also participated in four athletics events (Shotput, Discus, Long Jump and High Jump), focusing on increasing the student’s technique.
Physical Education (Year Five and Year Six)
Year Five and Six participated in a Fitness and Athletics unit working individually, in pairs and groups teaching the students to cooperate with their peers and participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact regular participation can have on health and wellbeing. This unit focused on increasing the student’s fitness level through various fitness games and activities in the lead up to the school cross country next week. They also participated in four athletics events (Shotput, Discus, Long Jump and High Jump), focusing on increasing the student’s technique.
Health (Year Three)
In this unit students explored the impact of positive social interaction on self-identity. They investigated different types of friendships, examining the qualities they look for in a friend, as well as their roles and responsibilities. Students also learnt how to communicate respectfully with friends to resolve conflict and challenging issues in friendships. Students also reflected on why friendships change over time and investigated strategies to assist them in establishing and maintaining respectful friendships. Finally, they explored risk-taking behaviours, their rights and responsibilities and decision-making strategies to help keep them safe.
Health (Year Four)
Students identified strategies to keep healthy and improve fitness. They explored the Australian guide to healthy eating and the five food groups, gaining an understand of the importance of a balanced diet and how health messages influence food choices, creating meal plans that reflect health messages. Students also participated in partner and group activities to explore the communication skills of respect and empathy and how they support positive interactions, investigating how heritage and culture contribute to identity.
Health (Year Five)
In this unit students reviewed the information they know about establishing and keeping friendships and relationships. Students discussed the factors that influence theirs and others’ behaviours through discussion and brainstorming activities, investigating how feelings, emotions and mood can affect their own and others’ behaviours and responses. They developed an understanding of different points of view and how differing opinions can influence relationships and friendships. Finally, students explored the concepts of health and wellbeing and the importance of healthy habits as a preventative measure, identifying good habits and how they contribute to overall health and wellbeing.
Health (Year Six)
Students explored how important people in their lives, and the media, can influence health behaviour, examining how membership of different groups and personal qualities shape identity. They examined influences on health behaviour and constructed a health message for their peers. Students also investigated how physical activity creates opportunities for different groups to work together and how physical activity contributes to individual and community wellbeing.
Fitness Club
Fitness club is all finished up for the year. We had an awesome turn up with 40 to 50 students attending sessions. I was very pleased with the student’s determination at the sessions, pushing their limits, improving their fitness and most importantly have fun with their mates. I am very excited to watch these students compete at our cross-country next week. A huge thank you to Mrs McHugh, Mrs Wagner and Mr Logan for helping run the sessions.
School Sport
Congratulations to Heidi Stockwell, Claire Ward and Akeer Adol who made the Toowoomba Basketball Team. Claire Ward and Akeer Adol also made the Darling Downs team for basketball. Lucy Hardy made the Toowoomba Hockey team and will trial for the Darling Downs team next term. Good luck girls and look forward to hearing all about your fantastic experience.
Athletics Superstar
Emily Carrigan has been working hard all season and at her little athletics state carnival she threw PBs in both discus (28.81m) and shotput (9.79m). She won both events becoming the u10 shotput and discus state champion winning discus by only 1cm. Great work Emily and we look forward to hearing about your athletics journey (photos attached).
Zone and Darling Downs Trials
All Zone and Darling Downs trials will be placed on Parent Portal. Please check Parent Portal regularly or set up notifications on your phone if you wish for your child to be eligible to trial for Zone and Darling Downs sporting teams as you will be required to obtain paperwork from myself. I am unable to nominate students after the closing date so please make sure you do keep an eye on Parent Portal. Any questions, please contact me at brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Brendan Luck
HPE Teacher
Arts Fest 19-22 June 2023, Toowoomba
Next term, students from St Saviour’s Primary School Choir will be rehearsing choral, poetry and musical theatre items to perform at the inaugural Toowoomba Catholic Schools Arts Fest.
Arts Fest will provide opportunities for local TCS schools to share their skills in music, drama, dance and visual arts. This will include workshops, presentations, collaboration and celebration.
Mrs McVeigh (Drama teacher) and Mrs Stewart (Music teacher) will be leading rehearsals for the performing arts items throughout Term 2.
Students who wish to participate will be required to attend the following:
- Rehearsals Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 7:45am – 8:30am (from 18 April)
- Daytime rehearsals and performances during school hours (Tuesday 20 – Thursday 22 June)
- Evening performances:
- Tuesday 20 June – Poetry/verse speaking
- Wednesday 21 June – Music theatre
Please advise Mrs Kathryn Stewart via email if your child is willing and available to participate in this exciting event. This invitation includes current members of our choir and is also open to new members who are able to commit to the rehearsal and performance commitments as outlined above.
Students have borrowed extra books for Week 10 and the holiday period. Please encourage them to read as much as possible over the break and to keep their loans in a safe place.
We are reading or listening to "The Book of Wondrous Possibilities" by Deb Abela and will come together to talk about the story in Week 2 next term. It is not too late to get your copy (Booktopia currently has stock and an audiobook version), a perfect shared family activity!
Access to Storybox Library, Clickview and Britannica School is via the online resources dashboard found at https://au.accessit.online/STS02/#!dashboard
Check these great resources out during the holidays. Log in details are provided on the dashboard.
There is a significant number of overdue loans so if your student has received a printout or letter listing these titles please make an effort to find and return them on Tuesday 18th April, thank you.
Special thanks to Mrs Merryl Nunn and Mrs Tarsha Scotts for their many hours of covering work this term!
Our students enjoy their library books, it is a joy to see them engaged with their free choice reading!
Happy Holiday Reading Everyone!
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Office Hours:
The Office will be open from 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday throughout the holidays.
Term 2:
Term 2 resumes on Tuesday 18 April. Monday is a Pupil Free Day.
SkoolDayz Uniform Shop:
The School Uniform Shop is now located at the top of the service driveway as you enter off Neil Street. The shop is located on the bottom floor of the old convent building.
Opening Hours - TERM TIME
The Uniform Shop will be open the following times throughout the Term every Monday afternoon from 2.30pm - 4.00pm and every Friday afternnoon from 3.00pm - 5.30pm. If these times do not suit, please contact Dan Eagleson 0481 318 398 to arrange an alternate time or email directly on info@skooldayz.com.au or log on to the skooldayz website for further information. https://www.skooldayz.com.au
The Uniform Shop will be only be open by appoinment throughout the school holidays. Week 1 of Tern 2 the Uniform Shop will be opening on Tuesday 18 April (2.30pm - 4.00pm) and Friday 21st April (3.00pm - 5.30pm)
Prep 2024:
Prep 2024 interviews are commencing at the beginning of Term 2. If you have a son or daughter who is due to start Prep next year, and have not yet submitted an application, we urge you to do this before the beginning of next term. We have a large number of applications for Prep 2024 so don't miss out.
Please click on the following link to submit an application for Prep 2024.